Thursday 6 June 2013

Online Consumer/Produce: A Copyright Free Internet?

Kirby Ferguson’s four-part documentary (Everything is a Remix) was very interesting. He showed his followers that many things in Hollywood are repeated or “fixed” into how the artists want it. I found that in the video’s we learn that many movies are based on books, or sequels, and that songs instrumentals are very similar to original songs made by jazz artist in the early 1900’s.  

In the past year, I have consumed and produced many different things by incorporating it online.  Consumed is a very big part of online history for people, it is typically the knowledge that one has absorbed from online. Assignments handed out in class would not be completed if it weren’t for looking online to make it creditable. Many people also consume different things. I may enjoy sports but not everyone does. So when I gain knowledge online about sports, I am consuming the information. Producers love consumers! To be a producer you are hoping that consumers are going to buy or in Kirby Ferguson’s case donate. With that said, I have produced online material using YouTube so that everyone could enjoy what was made. But I did not charge anyone money or ask for any donations. Today many of the clips on video-sharing sites like YouTube bear a remarkable similarity to these early films. They too address the audience directly, are exhibitionist and are frequently sensational and shocking (Rizzo. T). To be encouraged to produce my own online content I would have to be very committed to the topic and need financial backup to keep it interesting and fun!

Online communities of “producer- consumers” literate in new media work toward building a robust and freely accessible cultural commons in the face of restrictive copyright laws in many different ways. For instance Jenkins (2004) said in his article that “New media technologies have lowered production and distribution costs, expanded the range of available delivery channels and enabled consumers to archive, annotate, appropriate and recirculate media content in powerful new ways.” Have I followed these rules? no ... When downloading music I do not buy it from iTunes or buy a CD from a store, I download it from a website. I know that I am facing copyright laws by doing this but it has never stopped me from continuing. Many people around the world do not follow these laws and if they were to build a new way of having a cleaner internet, I think many people would be left unhappy!


Rizzo, T. YouTube: the New Cinema of Attractions SCAN | journal of media arts culture. Vol 5, No. 1, Online journal.

Jenkins, H. (2004) The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence  International Journal of Cultural Studies March 2004 7: 33-43


  1. As Wilson Mizner once said, "If you steal from one author, it's plagiarism; if you steal from many, it's research". All businesses work like this. Their marketing departments seek out ideas from consumers and competition to perform at their best standards. YouTube is just another method that these marketing departments use to collect data to determine a significant factor that should be included within their next 'hit' product. Copyrights I believe only are truly effective when one takes on the entire collaboration of data put together by another and claims it as one's own. Besides that, the individualized data provided by YouTube is all up for grabs.

  2. I agree that Kirby’s “Everything is a Remix” was very interesting and informative to watch before reading the assigned readings. It was neat seeing all the songs and movies that have been remixed from older versions and really puts it into perspective. I like that you have created Youtube videos online but more for personal enjoyment rather than for financial compensation. Several avid Youtube users always include a link to donate or at least beg consumers to subscribe and watch their videos (as that is one of the ways huge Youtube stars get paid – by number of views and number of subscribers). I have also gotten some of my songs through downloading online but also find myself buying a lot of songs from iTunes if I can’t find a good quality one, and still even support some artists by buying their CDs if I know I’m going to enjoy listening to the majority of the songs.
