Monday 24 June 2013

Summative Blog Post: Free Music or iTunes?

For this weeks blog I was a little surprised when reading others post that they actually download music of iTunes. With so many different ways for people to get music free why pay? I was also very surprised of Riley’s comment when she said “You may be one of the first people I know of who purchases albums off of Amazon (I'm curious to know why you don't buy the album at HMV or Sunrise).” To answer this question, I use Amazon because it takes 1-2 days to actually get the album. Amazon also offers discounts to repeat customers, which is very useful. I find that with the advancements of online shopping that HMV and Sunrise are very likely to go out of business, it is much easier to earn the discounts from a site that you may purchase more then one item.

I was also surprised that newmediumnewmessage said, “I have just recently discovered how easy it is to illegally download.” Many people do not know websites in where they can download free music and some of the websites are a little bit fishy when you first go on them. These websites have popup, which can scare some people away. I have never heard of someone being charged with downloading online. Though, I have once downloaded a movie off a website when I was younger and got a message in the mail saying I have downloaded a movie that is not out on DVD yet, and it was just a warning from Rogers that I should stop. Also, like Riley said in her post "Being a musician/artist creating a fan base is way more important because those fans will support you by purchasing merchandise or concert tickets."  The amount of money people saves when downloading music or DVD’s for free can go towards people’s education instead towards iTunes. They can even go towards people going to see artist concerts in which they might purchase merchandise.  I find that it is very useful to download illegally and if someone asked me how to download a song online I would gladly show them. 

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