Wednesday 3 July 2013

News Travels Fast! But Whats Faster? Twitter or Television?

Growing up in the generation in which media do not only covered on television but also other outlooks such as the Internet. The Internet has brought people many different ways of communicating information to the news. Technology has played an important role as disruptor and enabler in these developments, even if – of course – it has not determined their eventual course. First, the rise of the Internet as a popular medium has led to a substantial increase in available channels for information and entertainment, among other purpose (Bruns and Highfield). Blogs, Twitter, and Facebook are the first steps of journalism these days. When there is a breaking story it is communicated through twitter then evidentially hits the television on the news. Digital media technologies such as Twitter facilitate the instant, online dissemination and reception of short fragments of information from sources outside the formal structures of journalism (Hermida, 2012). The question with Twitter would be “is the good?” I do think that twitter provides new opportunities for everyday posters. It allows the everyday person be the first to break news.

Right now it is the offseason for many big sports such as Hockey, Basketball, and Football. To get the latest news, I follow my favorite journalist that are first to notice when a player is being signed and I think that it twitter is great and provides first hand news. There are many things that twitter and other social media can do for activism in any sense. If someone felt very strongly about an idea and wanted to get more people involved they can use twitter and social media to gain more attention. With the growth of twitter I think that many people will shift there attention from watching news channels such as CNN or BBC and start focusing on twitter to bring people the news quicker. 

Hermida, A. (2012). TWEETS AND TRUTH: Journalism as a discipline of collaborative verificationJournalism Practice. 6:5-6, p659-668.
Bruns, A. & T. Highfield. (2012). Blogs, Twitter, and breaking news: The produsage of citizen journalism. pre-publication draft on personal site []. Published in: Lind, R. A. ed. (2012). Produsing Theory in a Digital World: The Intersection of Audiences and Production. New York: Peter Lang. p15-32.


  1. I like the title you have chosen for this blog post, I immediately said that Twitter is faster but if you would have asked what was more accurate my answer would most likely have been television. Twitter definitely stays on top of quick breaking news and usually several minutes can go by before a big news station picks it up and has enough credible information to put a story together for it to be shown on television.

  2. As you said “Twitter… It allows the everyday person be the first to break news.” It is making it possible for people to express what they want and most importantly in a free way which overcomes the controlled and scanned paths that any story would go through to get to the public. I personally would follow a real professional journalist and monitor other sources that cover the same topic, in order for me to overcome the inaccuracy issue for this type of journalism. Every story has another side but when we get the chance to hear the other side of the story, things will be different especially in cases of cover ups or political scandals where this type of journalism will ensure it’s exposure to the general public. Strict governments such as the ones in the Middle East are struggling with this type of new social media journalism. They control the conventional source of information except the Internet, and for example people in that region used Twitter to broadcast the where about of gathering locations where they will form demonstrations against the government. It was a powerful tool and impossible to stop, unless they shut down the system.
