Monday 8 July 2013

Summative Blog Post: Twitter or Television?

For the title of my last blog I tried to keep readers thinking. The title is “News Travels Fast! But Whats Faster? Twitter or Television.” Jlucianoo had great comments towards the title and his comment that said “I immediately said that Twitter is faster but if you would have asked what was more accurate my answer would most likely have been television” really stood out. I would have to agree with this comment because although twitter is very quick at delivering news, television will not show it on TV until they 100% know that it is the truth.

Mohamad Rashad Koudsi also brings up great points in his comments when saying that “It (Twitter) is making it possible for people to express what they want and most importantly in a free way which overcomes the controlled and scanned paths that any story would go through to get to the public.” He also explains that he would personally follow a real professional journalist and monitor sources that cover the same topic. I think that is great because like I said earlier in the post professional journalist that are on television will not show the news unless it’s accurate.

This weeks module helped me think about the importance of twitter and what its really used for. It also taught me how to difference twitter from actual facts. Twitter is a great tool for everyday people to tell people your opinions, but in the real world your opinions are separated from the truth. Twitter can be used to disagree with topics that are trending and also agree with them. When using twitter I will only say what is in my mind and not make up news because that’s not my job. I may retweet a report by CNN or CP24 and also news from the NBA, but I wont make it up myself. 

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